leveraging your subconscious mind

do you ever feel like you're stuck in a rut, watching others live their best lives while you're struggling to make progress towards your own goals? it's a common feeling, and it can be discouraging to see others thrive while you feel like you're standing still.

but don't despair - there are ways to break free from this cycle and start moving towards your dreams. one way is by tapping into the power of your subconscious mind.

our subconscious mind is responsible for regulating many of our automatic processes, such as breathing and heart rate. but it also plays a crucial role in shaping our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. by learning how to harness this power, you can start to create the life you truly want.

for you to get to your next chapter — is there something you could do, but you aren’t doing? 


..and notice what your first thought was just then. the first step is to identify what's been holding you back from doing it. is it fear of failure? lack of knowledge or resources? once you've identified your obstacle, take some time to explore how you can overcome it. break it down into smaller steps and create a plan of action.

but don't stop there. before you go to bed at night, spend some time visualizing yourself achieving your goals. imagine what it will feel like to succeed, and let those positive emotions wash over you. now let’s not forget our subconscious minds are incredibly powerful—the mind beyond the conscious awareness holds the power of 95% of your decision-making, actions, emotions, and behavior patterns. it’s kind of like your own power brain that works constantly 24/7 without taking any breaks… except is isn’t kind of like that, it totally is!

your unconscious mind works for you whether you liked it or not. it’s on autopilot, and it feeds off your from your conscious awareness. let’s put it in good use! set intentions and ask questions before going to bed: “i want to be able to achieve X, how would i go about it? what sort of tactics could i use, to get to X?” your subconscious mind will continue to work on these thoughts and feelings while you sleep, helping you to find creative solutions to your challenges. by the way, your conscious awareness will totally take the credit for this, but i guess it doesn’t matter—as long as it’s from the same brain, right? when you wake up in the morning, take some time to reflect on any insights or ideas that may have come to you during the night. write them down and take action on them throughout the day. by leveraging the power of your subconscious mind, you can start to make real progress towards your goals and create the life you truly want.

another great way to let your unconscious mind get to work for your set task, is to set the intention and start doing something that doesn’t require much thinking i.e. vacuuming. think about your problem, and get cleaning! start harnessing your inner potential today!

while we’re at it; let us take this opportunity to remind you to take care of your mind. as we said earlier, your unconscious mind is on constant autopilot—meaning: it does not stop. if you focus on negative things around you, tell yourself why you’re not good enough, that powerful autopilot is on constant negative loop, ouch! feeding your brain with solutions it has found to why you CAN’T do something, and why you shouldn’t feel capable. we don’t want that, so let’s not feed negative thoughts to it.


neam agency case: Liikuntaretriitti


guest feature: the inspiring ‘success sunday’ story by Anna — Jenkings Health Coaching